Whatever type of climbing you want to try, you must invest in a high-quality pair of climbing shoes. These shoes fit differently than other kinds of shoes you may have. They need to support your feet, allow plenty of sensitivity, and stick to surfaces without skidding off. Picking the right pair can be difficult especially when you don’t look for them at the right place. When choosing a pair of rock shoes for rock climbing montreal, consider the tips below:
Make Comfortable Fit a Priority
You will want to invest in a comfortable pair of climbing shoes you can wear for most of the day and climb up walls without hobbling. More advanced climbers will often wear a tighter, performance fit. But, this often means taking the shows off regularly during the day so your toes can stretch and relax.
Consider the Materials and Stretch
If you want climbing shoes that stretch the most, invest in a pair with leather uppers, up to 1 full size. If you prefer a performance fit, expect your toes to have a curl when the shoes are new. However, this curl should not be painful to make standing difficult for you.
If you prefer lined leather shoes, expect them to stretch around ½ size. They provide a more consistent fit, although they take longer to break in. Synthetic materials provide minimal stretch and have sizes that do not change much. Size your shoes as you want them to feel when you climb. You should be comfortable when you try them on. Moreover, keep in mind that the shape of your shoes has an influence on how comfortable they feel and how they perform.
Keep Stiffness and Climbing Styles in Mind
If you are investing in your very first pair of climbing shoes, consider a stiffer pair. But, any shoe must flex in a way that is comfortable and natural for your foot. Often, stiffer shoes come with a thinner layer of plastic which runs the show’s entire length. You will need these shows if you are a beginner or taking long outdoor routes where you will come across many different moves. You can buy a pair of softer shoes as you progress. If you are climbing on overhanging rock or steep rock, stiffer shoes will make it hard for you to flex your feet to wrap them around holds and hook them with your feet.